Training manual printing
Whether you just need a few custom high quality printed training manuals, or are developing a suite of training materials or courseware, we have the skill and high speed printing facilities to guarantee you an excellent result.
We can have your files loaded in our print library ready to call off for events and delivered to your training location. We can even print and same day courier to locations within an hour of our office for an additional delivery cost or ship for next day. We can just print the inserts and punch holes in the spine ready to go into your existing folders or deliver training manuals complete with folders ready for the course.
We can also help with copywriting, design and product photography. We also offer personalised training manuals displaying the name of each person or company for that extra professional touch.
Printing options include
- Design and artworking services to create covers, contents and tab dividers to suit your brand guidelines
- High quality digital or litho printing in colour or black
- Wide choice of paper stocks
- Choice of finishing options:
- Hole punched ready for insertion into existing binders
- Ring binder training manuals - 2 or 4 D-rings (25mm and 40mm capacity white presentation binders held in stock)
- Wirobound training manuals – choice of wire colours (black, white and silver held in stock), acetate or frosted PVC covers, white board backs (other colours available on request)
- Stapled training manuals - 2 staples on the spine to create a booklet effect
- Choice of sizes: A4, A5 or custom
- Tab dividers: off-the-shelf or custom printed
- Covers and contents can be personalised to each person or company on a training course
- Small or large quantities
- Quick turnaround (same day maybe possible) with delivery to your training location if required. We regularly service our local areas of Basingstoke, Winchester, Southampton and Reading, but also ship anywhere within the UK
- Training peripherals also available e.g. tent cards, notepads, pens, USBs, water bottles, stickers, return envelopes
Click here to see printed ring binder options

For more information on all the print services we offer please click here