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About a Basingstoke Design and Print Company

Talk Design and Print - Design, Printing, Signage & Exhibition

Talk Design and Print are based in Basingstoke, Hampshire and moved from Winchester after being there over a decade so are very much a part of the local business community. The company is owned by Alistair & Nicky Peebles who both work in the business and have a close hand with clients, design and production. The company is also a founder member of the UK Design & Print Network which was created as a resource to share best practice and ideas with like minded companies across the UK.

The design team again all highly qualified and work with the latest software from Adobe to produce their creative work. The experienced  production team run digital presses, print finishing equipment & large format machines to output all the printed material. This rather unusual combination allows us to not only design material but print it as well which is very different from the standard agency approach. 

To find out more about the company and the individuals who work here then please drop in or contact us.