One of our most commonly asked questions is "how can I be found on Google?". Without going into the detail of SEO and website build changes, there is a really useful, free tool from the company itself called 'Google Places' which shows the data within the map when you enter a search string e.g. Basingstoke Design Agency.
This can be added via carrying out a quick search for Google local business centre. If you have not done this before you will need to create an account, but then you can add your business address, opening hours, website address, special offers and any other relevant information. There have been a few name changes for this service with the introduction of Google + which is mainly due to the business review element. Once finished, you should appear in the list which rotates through all the relevant businesses it has listed for the search string.
If you have not already done this, we recommend you make it a priority so please visit this page to get started:
Please note, unless otherwise stated all prices exclude VAT and delivery.