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Wallpaper installed in London corporate office

Wallart and graphics applied to office space

Wall art in London Office Space


We recently worked with a company in London to help brighten up their workspace. We printed a range of graphics based on supplied imagery and brief to cover office walls in a new Hammersmith office. These were applied to a mixture of areas from meeting rooms to office space and some of the examples can be seen below.

The graphics were printed onto a grey back self adhesive fabric wallpaper to prevent any show through of any marks on the wall. The graphics were applied using an overlap to allow for correct alignment before being trimmed in place. 

If you are looking to create visual designs in your office then we can help. We can apply graphics to walls and glass using a variety of specialised materials. For more information please contact us today. 


wall art graphic print and install in Hammersmith, London

wall art graphic print and install in Hammersmith, London

wall art graphic print and install in Hammersmith, London

wall art graphic print and install in Hammersmith, London

wall art graphic print and install in Hammersmith, London


For more information on our Basingstoke design agency and on how we can help with graphic design for your company then please click here